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Dental Negligence Claims Solicitors

Dental Implant Negligence Compensation Claims

When things go wrong during dental implant surgery this can lead to unnecessary pain and it is possible that the desired aesthetic look may not be achieved.


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Dental Implant Negligence

Dental implant procedures are undertaken for several reasons, be they medical or aesthetic. Implants are metal posts (normally made of titanium) surgically placed into the jawbone and upon which replacement teeth are mounted.

The procedure is completed using local anaesthetic. During the operation, a screw is drilled into the precise location in the jaw of the intended tooth. Once fused (a process that can take several months), the replacement tooth will be fitted to the implant.

The skill, care and method used by a Dentist are paramount to the success of a procedure. If standards are not maintained by the practitioner, this can lead to unnecessary pain and suffering. There is also a high possibility the desired aesthetic look may not be achieved, causing further stress and anxiety. Such dental implant negligence could cost you lots of money to remedy.

Common complications arising from dental implants

Complications that arise from dental implant procedures range in both their nature and severity. At Been Let Down, we have a wealth of experience in dealing with all types of cases. Some of the most common complications include the following:

  • Poorly positioned implants
  • Unnecessary pain and discomfort post-operation
  • Nerve damage
  • Damage to mouth and/or surrounding teeth
  • Poor pre-surgical investigation to determine whether the jaw is suitable for implants

There are inherent risks to undergoing all dental procedures, but the risks should be fully explained to you by the dental professional prior to any procedure going ahead. If the Dentist has failed to explain these risks, they may be negligent and you may be able to make a dental implant negligence compensation claim.

If you think you have been let down and suffered an injury and emotional distress because of a failed and negligent procedure, you may have a dental implant negligence claim for compensation and other losses. Please call us on 0800 234 3234 to discuss your case or you can make an enquiry online and a member of our legal team will call you back.

Why should I make a dental implant negligence compensation claim?

A failed or negligent dental procedure can have more of an effect on you than you might think. If you have suffered as a result of dental implant negligence, your ability to work may be affected, especially if additional care or treatment is required.

You may also need to pay for procedures to be undertaken privately at your own expense, which can also put unnecessary strain on you.

By making sure you get the compensation you need, you will be able to regain some control of the situation. This could include additional treatment and care to fix any problems that resulted from the negligence you experienced.

A successful dental implant negligence claim can prevent the same mistakes from happening again to someone else. If it is found that you suffered the injury because of a failed or negligent procedure, winning your case could lead to improved practices in the future.

How will I know if I can make a dental implant negligence claim?

Regardless of what treatment or procedure you are going to see them about, your Dentist has a duty of care to make sure all procedures follow strict industry standards. They should make sure you do not suffer from any unnecessary discomfort or pain during and after the procedure. Additionally, they should not cause any further damage to your teeth, gums or jaw.

If you are thinking of making a claim, here is what you will be required to prove:

  • That the Dentist failed to do something including failing to give proper advice regarding the risks and thus failing to provide informed consent, or delayed in doing something or made a mistake that no competent professional of the same position/standing would have made. This is referred to as breach of duty.
  • That the dental implant negligence was a direct result of those actions. This is referred to as causation.

At Been Let Down, your solicitor will assess your situation and put forward the best possible case, so the maximum amount of compensation can be sought.

Why should I choose Been Let Down to help me with my claim?

When you enlist the help of our specialists, you are coming to a team of people you can trust with years of experience behind them. From the moment you choose Been Let Down to help you with your dental implant negligence compensation claim, our team will be on hand to guide you through the whole process.

We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and solicitors in our legal team are members of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers so you can rest assured you are getting the best representation possible.

How much could my claim be worth?

It is important to remember that no two claims are the same, and therefore the amount of compensation will differ. The amount you could receive will depend on a number of factors such as the severity of the injury, how it has affected your life and what financial impact it has had and will continue to have.

Our expert Medical Negligence solicitors will discuss funding options with you further, but most of our cases are run on a ‘No Win  No Fee’ basis. This is also known as a Conditional Fee Agreement, or CFA.

Is there a time limit on making a dental implant negligence claim?

In the majority of cases, you will have three years from the date of the injury or accident to make your dental implant negligence compensation claim. The time limit can be extended if you have a later date of knowledge that something may have gone wrong with your dental treatment, or if you are claiming on behalf of someone who does not possess the mental capacity to claim for themselves.

Our team are here to help you with your claim

Get in touch today and find out how we can help with your case for dental implant negligence compensation.

Please call us on 0800 234 3234 or contact us and a member of our legal team will call you back.


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