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Dental Negligence Claims Solicitors

Dental Veneer Negligence Compensation Claims

Cosmetic dentistry is popular, with many people having vaneers fitted to improve the appearance of a tooth. If your cosmetic treatment went wrong, our team of expert solicitors can help.


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Dental Veneer Negligence

A dental veneer is a thin layer of material (typically 1.0 — 1.5mm) which is bonded to a tooth. A Dentist will typically prepare the tooth or teeth prior to the bonding of the veneer(s).

Patients normally undergo this procedure to improve the appearance of or to protect the tooth.

Porcelain is the most common material used for veneers.

The skill, care, and method used by a Dentist are paramount to the success of a procedure. If standards are not maintained by the Dentist, this can lead to unnecessary pain and suffering. There is also a high possibility that the desired aesthetic look may not be achieved. Such outcomes could also cost you lots of money to remedy.

Common complications arising from this procedure

  • Removing too much enamel from the teeth pre-procedure
  • Poorly fitted veneers leading to increased sensitivity and discomfort
  • Infection

There are inherent risks to undergoing all dental procedures, but the risks should be fully explained to you by the dental professional prior to any procedure going ahead. If the Dentist has failed to explain these risks, they may be negligent.

If you consider that you have been let down, suffered injury, and emotional distress as a result of a failed and negligent extraction procedure, you may have a claim for compensation and other losses.

Here to help you

Get in touch today and find out how we can help with your case for dental veneer negligence compensation.

Please call us on 0800 234 3234 or contact us and a member of our legal team will call you back.

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