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Medical Negligence Solicitors

Pressure Sore Negligence

Pressure sores (also known as bed sores/ulcers) occur when an area of skin is placed under great pressure. If you have suffered from pressure sores due to negligent treatment in a hospital, or a nursing home, you may be able to claim compensation. We have acted for many clients who have developed pressure sores due to the negligent treatment of hospital or nursing home staff.


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  • Medical negligence specialists, certified by the Solicitors Regulation Authority
  • Expert legal services offered on a No Win No Fee basis
  • Supportive team with over 15 years’ experience to help you win
  • Proven client success across England and Wales

Claims for pressure sore negligence

Whether recovering from surgery or staying in hospital, people who spend long periods in sedentary positions are at risk of developing pressure sores. Most of the time, pressure sores are quickly spotted and treated appropriately, or can be prevented by basic movement.

However, complications may arise. From improper staff training to unsuitable treatment, mistakes by medical staff can trigger a range of issues including pain, infection and irritation, leaving individuals unnecessarily suffering.

If you or a loved one has experienced a situation like this, you might have grounds to make a pressure sore negligence claim.

No Win No Fee pressure sore negligence claims

Pressure sore negligence happens when medical staff fail in their duty of care for a patient. Whether it occurs due to a lack of training, staff inexperience or treatment error, bed sore negligence is entirely preventable.

Complications from pressure sores not only lead to increased infection risk but can significantly delay recovery. Adults who develop pressure sores in hospital stay an average of four days longer, and for those over 75 years old, their stay is an average of 10 days longer.

If you or someone you know has suffered at the hands of your medical team, our specialist solicitors could help you pursue a pressure sore claim for compensation.

What are pressure sores?

Also known as pressure ulcers, pressure sores are areas of damaged skin. They’re caused by continued pressure on an area of the body, usually in people who have difficulty moving. They can form on harder or bony parts of the body, including the elbows, heels, hips and coccyx. Signs of pressure sores include:

  • A patch of skin that feels spongy, hard, or warm
  • Discoloured skin patches that don’t change colour when pressed: in people with white skin, they’re usually red, but pressure sores may be blue on black or brown skin
  • Itching or pain in the affected area

Pressure sores are more likely to affect older people, with those aged over 70 the most likely to suffer from one. However, anyone who is immobile and in one position for prolonged periods could be at risk of developing pressure sores.

Older people are disproportionately affected because they’re more likely to experience problems associated with pressure ulcers. These include dry skin, chronic pain conditions, hip fractures and incontinence.

How serious are pressure sores?

If they’re spotted quickly, pressure sores can heal within a short period. However, the longer that sores are left untreated, the more serious they can become. The most serious may involve permanent skin damage or tissue loss. If you or a loved one has experienced this, you have every reason to pursue a pressure sore claim.

Pressure sores are graded, according to severity, on a scale between 1 and 4 as follows:

Grade 1 pressure sores

The least severe type, Grade 1 sores may include mild skin discolouration and irritation. The affected area may also feel warm, hard, or spongy to the touch. Localised swelling, also known as oedema, may also characterise a Grade 1 sore.

Grade 2 and 3 pressure sores

Pressure sores of Grade 2 severity may feature open sores, alongside epidermis, partial thickness skin loss dermis, or both. Grade 3 sores often reach deeper skin layers. In some cases, subcutaneous fat may be visible.

Grade 4 pressure sores

A pressure sore is classed as grade 4 if it goes down to the muscle, tendon or bone. These are the most severe type and often demonstrate clear negligence or ineffective treatment.

Can I make a claim for pressure sores?

Whether you were treated at home or in hospital, all medical professionals should carry out their duty of care. That includes making sure that areas of pressure never develop into something more serious.

Without attentive monitoring and vigilant care, ongoing issues could point to pressure sore negligence by your care team. If you have reason to believe that you suffered unnecessarily due to a pressure sore, please do get in touch with us and take your first steps in the pressure sore claims process.

What are the different types of pressure sore negligence claims?

When it comes to medical negligence leading to pressure sores, our expert lawyers have supported people through various cases where medical teams have failed. These include:

  • Failure to prevent or address infection of a pressure sore
  • Inadequate or unsuitable treatment, or failure to use proper equipment
  • Failure to check the patient or move their body frequently enough, especially if they are confined to a wheelchair or hospital bed
  • Inadequately trained care staff, including nurses
  • Inaccurate or lack of record keeping

You might also be thinking about contacting us on behalf of someone you love. If you have a relative living in a care home or staying in hospital, they might not have received sufficient levels of attention and care. This might result in an infected pressure sore, or one that delays their recovery from an existing illness.

If your loved one might not be able to make a claim on their own, please contact us about making a pressure sore compensation claim on their behalf.

Why make a pressure sore claim?

If you choose to make a pressure sore compensation claim, you could get the support you need to get back on track. Although the pain and suffering you have experienced can’t be changed, you can gain the ability to claim compensation and move forwards.

Pressure sore negligence can have a range of unpleasant consequences. If pressure sores are not treated carefully and correctly, they can develop into more serious issues, including:

  • Joint and bone infections
  • Skin irritation, including rashes and infection
  • Blood poisoning, which may lead to sepsis

If you’ve been unlucky enough to experience prolonged pain, discomfort, or any physical problems that stem from improper management of pressure sores, a compensation claim could help you get what you deserve.

What our experts say about pressure sore claims

Carla Duprey Solicitor in our Medical Negligence Team says;

“Patients often suffer pressure sores when they are already experiencing issues with their health. This can lead to a period of frustration and additional distress and a delayed recovery. Our dedicated solicitors combine compassion with expertise, ensuring that you receive the support and guidance needed every step of the way. We strive to secure the compensation to help you to move forward.”

Frequently asked pressure sore negligence questions

As with all types of personal injury and medical negligence claims, pressure sore cases are subject to official time limits. For adults with the capacity to independently discuss the case, claims must be made within three years of the date of the incident or from when you first became aware of the negligence.

There are exceptions to this rule. The limit may be extended if the person who suffers pressure sore negligence is under 18 years old or if a claim is brought forward on behalf of someone with reduced mental capacity.

If either of these extenuating circumstances apply to you, please get in touch for personalised advice on your next steps.

The total amount of compensation awarded for each pressure sore claim will vary according to the specific nature of the case. The final payout will consider your unique circumstances and the extent of your losses.

You could receive ‘General Damages’ for the pain and suffering caused to you. This is assessed using the Judicial College Guidelines and case law. Our specialist medical negligence lawyers use this research to be able to indicate an appropriate range of compensation for each pressure sore negligence case.

No matter your situation, our lawyers aim to make sure that you get the maximum amount possible. We understand that the pain, suffering and loss caused by pressure sore negligence can be incredibly difficult for you, so we will explore all options to get you financial compensation.

If you’d like to move forward with your pressure sore claim case, we’ll put you in touch with one of our medical negligence solicitors. Once you’re at ease and ready, we start the process by:

  • Collecting medical records and evidence, including photographs and scans, to assess whether negligence was the cause of your injury

If we are certain that your wounds, complications or delayed recovery were a direct result of pressure sore negligence, then we will proceed by:

  • Producing a written statement covering the details of your case and, with your approval, sending it to independent medical experts for further evidence
  • Writing and sending a formalised Letter of Claim to the accused negligent medical professionals, explaining why they are at fault
  • Negotiating a fair amount of pressure sore compensation if the defendant admits liability

If the defendant denies liability, we will prepare your case to go to court. To put your mind at ease, our experts will give you regular updates throughout the pressure sore claims process. If you would like to know anything else about our team or procedures, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Why choose Been Let Down for bed sore claims?

Think you could be eligible to make a pressure sore claim? If you’re ready to go ahead, we’re here to guide you through the process. Our team of highly skilled solicitors will give you their expertise and support in pursuing a claim for pressure ulcer compensation.

Here are just a few of the reasons why you can trust Been Let Down:

Contact us today

If you have needlessly suffered pain, discomfort, or delayed recovery due to pressure sore negligence, you deserve to be compensated fairly and appropriately. We understand that you’ve been through a traumatic time, and we are here to support you in your pressure sore claim.

Please call us on 0800 234 3234 or get in touch online and a member of our team will get back to you.

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